What Makes Appium the Right Choice for Automating Mobile Apps

Here, we will discuss why choose Appium over other tools.

What is Appium?

Appium is an open-source tool for automated testing of native, hybrid, and web applications. Its cross-platform nature allows for the creation of test cases on both iOS and Android platforms using a standard API. Appium derives its utility from Selenium and employs JSON Wire Protocol internally to interact with iOS and Android apps via Selenium’s WebDriver. Join FITA Academy for the best Appium Training in Chennai.

In its server-client architecture, a web server using REST API connects directly to the client, receives commands, and executes them on a given mobile device. 

What Makes Appium the Right Choice for Automating Mobile Apps?

  • It is a cross-platform testing tool that allows you to write tests for multiple platforms, including Windows, iOS, and Android, by using the same APIs. Moreover, it enables the execution of automated tests on mobile phones, tablets, etc.
  • It simplifies the process of mobile app regression testing. It is primarily concerned with large mobile apps that are frequently updated with new functionalities and features. 
  • It functions as a server running in the background, much like a Selenium Server.
  • This mobile test automation tool works well with the TestNG testing framework.
  • Appium is powerful enough to automate any mobile app created with various programming languages and frameworks.
  • It includes a UI Automator that provides detailed information records and generates a comprehensive reporting structure.
  • You can gain control of this mobile testing tool by gaining full access to back-end APIs and databases from test code.

Appium Online Training offers real-time projects throughout the live session.

How Does Appium Work?

Appium is an ‘HTTP Server’ written in Node.js. It can drive iOS and Android sessions using the Webdriver JSON wire protocol. Before starting the Appium Server, you must first install Node.js on your system.

After downloading and successfully installing Appium, a server is set up on the machine that exposes a REST API. Its operation is to receive connection requests from clients and command requests to execute those commands over mobile devices. As a result, it responds via HTTP responses. Furthermore, the mobile test automation frameworks are used to operate the user interface of the concerned apps to repeat this request.


Now you would have understood What Makes Appium the Right Choice for Automating Mobile Apps. So, to have a profound understanding of Appium, you can join Mobile Appium Course in Coimbatore and equip yourself with its benefits, functions and features.

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