What is SQL Injection and How to Prevent It

SQL Injection is a type of attack that breaches the system by SQL code which could control the backend database to access the system’s information. Attackers can exploit SQL Injection flaws to get through application security, and they can defeat a web page’s or application’s authentication process to access the complete SQL database’s content.

The purpose of hacking the injection attack is to add, change, or delete the complete details of the database. This Vulnerability may impact the website or web server that utilizes an SQL database such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, etc.

Hackers may breach the system to again the authorized access to collect the sensitive information of the system or organizations. The Vulnerability may impact the client’s details, personal information, trade data, property secret, organization details, etc. These SQL injection attacks are the most common and hazardous types of web vulnerabilities.

In this blog, we shall discuss SQL injection attacks, SQL injection, how to prevent it, and SQL injection vulnerability. To have a comprehensive understanding of Ethical hacking and Illegal ethical hacking, you can join Ethical Hacking Online, which is designed to provide the best coaching for the learner who wants to land their career in cybersecurity. 

Prevention of SQL Injection  

SQL Injection attack takes place when attackers find faults in the web application. The web application which has the Vulnerability can easy breached by executing SQL code, and Vulnerability exploits such user code instantly in an SQL query. 

The attacker can create input data. This sort of data is a malicious file, an essential aspect of the attack. Malicious SQL statements are performed in the database after the attacker uploads this information.

Structured Query programming language stores the information or data into a relational database. So, you can utilize this to access, edit, and destroy files. Further, SQL databases are widely used to store website applications, and you can also use SQL commands to run the operating system. 

  • The primary purpose of this attack is to find the Vulnerability and credentials to exploit the system. Then they impersonate database administrators who have to be authorized to access the system.
  • As SQL allows access to the input and output data, the attackers find the Vulnerability and execute the SQL code to gain complete database server details.  
  • Further, SQL allows the user to add and make a change in the database. So, the hackers can use SQL Injection to modify the applications. For example: if attackers find a vulnerability in financial documents through SQL Injection, they can make changes in credit and debit details, transaction data, account details, etc. 
  • By SQL Injection, the attackers can remove the complete data from the database. If the admin backs up the data, data destruction may cause application downtime till the dataset is replaced. Sometimes, the backup may not restore the complete data.
  • In some SQL databases, The database management system provides access to the server. This could be deliberate or unintentional. In this situation, an attacker could start with a SQL Injection and then access the network behind a firewall.

SQL Injection attacks can be categorized into three types: 

  • In-band SQLi (Classic)
  • Inferential SQLi (Blind) and 
  • Out-of-band SQLi
  • Union-Based SQL Injection
  • Blind SQL Injection
  • Boolean-Based SQL Injection
  • Error-Based SQL Injection
  • Time-Based SQL Injection

Now, we shall discuss a few SQL Injection in detail

Union-Based SQL Injection

It is the most popular SQL injection because hackers can access the information from the database. 

Blind SQL Injection

Blind SQL Injection is more challenging to execute than other types of injections because the blind SQL injections perform when the general error codes are sent from the victim.

Boolean-Based SQL Injection

Boolean-based SQL injections are a different type of attack because the attacker hacks the system by generating many queries, each with the condition that differs from the previous ones.

Error-Based SQL Injection

 This technique can also be used to determine whether a website or application is insecure and acquire extra information for formulating fraudulent queries.

Time-Based SQL Injection

Time-based SQL injections are widely used in conjunction with Boolean-based techniques during Blind SQL injections to determine if vulnerabilities exist on a website application.

Step to do if SQL Injection has hacked your website

Check Vulnerable Code

The first step to prevent a system from hacking is identifying the Vulnerability. To find susceptible code, you can manually start an attempt or use an automation SQL injection attack tool like SQLMap, SQLninja, SQLSus, and Mole.

Remove the malicious injected

Once you have received malware notification, remove malicious injections and corrupted data from your database and clean it up. Further, check out the rest of your Websites, applications, login ID, and file systems. 

 Patches and updates

Attackers often hack the vulnerable system, database, files, client applications. If you have identified that your system has been hacked, immediately patch and update the flaws and any other components that are no longer in use.

Clean up your files

If you are in a situation of compromise, in such a case, you can change all identities like name password, and most importantly, change your files and applications immediately. Clean up your files to verify there are no unauthorized admin users or vulnerabilities in the database to back up.

Inspect SQL Statements

Set up a database analyzer to detect any unauthorized SQL statements. Further, machine learning can assist you in detecting IoC.

Set Up a web application firewall

Consider implementing a WAF to protect your website against malicious threats. These can be very beneficial for protecting against security breaches before updates are deployed.

Further, to protect your website and database, you can Maintain and improve your awareness, Don’t place your faith in any user feedback, Use whitelists rather than blacklists, Employ the latest equipment and technology, Use methodologies that have been proven to work, and Scan on a regular basis.

To learn more about the hacking tools and their type of hacking, you can join Ethical Hacking Course in Chennai to aid you in learning more about Cybersecurity Industry.

Now, you would have understood what SQL injection attacks and the steps to prevent SQL injection are. So, to better understand hacking and its techniques, you can join an Ethical hacking course to have a comprehensive understanding of SQL injection attacks.