3 Major Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

 Three major disadvantages of cloud computing.

Cloud computing in the recent times is gaining much fame than ever. Cloud computing is said to be cost effective way of computing. Cloud Computing Training Chennai says that with the introduction of cloud computing the work can be done anywhere and it can be synced so that all the related people can go through the work which is finished by you. There are many advantages of cloud computing which a user takes into consideration, but there are some disadvantages too which should not be ignored. The disadvantages are as follows, as per Cloud Computing Training

  • Access failure- As we all know that cloud is fully based on the internet and where there is no internet connection the cloud servers fail where as a result the cloud computing system comes to a halt. This is a very big drawback as to access the cloud you should be connected to the internet at all times.

 This is the biggest challenge even for the cloud service providers, their serves come to a halt for many reasons and as a result the user cannot access the cloud.  This sometimes creates a huge problem as in a large company al the work is done on cloud and if one cannot access the cloud then large amount of work comes to a halt.

Cloud computing training in Chennai says that to overcome this user should get into an agreement with the cloud service provider that there should be no downtime more than that of 3 hrs in a month if the provider accepts the clause then the user should use the service.

  • Security- When the user is using the cloud services all his data is on the cloud. The sensitive data should be kept very securely and with full protection. There are all chances that the data which is stored in the cloud might be hacked and the data would fall in the wrong hands. The cloud provider has to take care of all the possible security issues of the users. But anyhow the security of the data in the cloud is not guaranteed.
  • Costs- Cloud computing is said to be cost effective but only when the time duration is longer and the usage is to the optimum. Cloud computing training Chennai says that when cloud computing is taken over by the small companies for a short duration of time then it could be costly as the cost of setting up the right infrastructure might out beat the cost of cloud. Thus the installation of cloud should be made after a concrete discussion.

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